Saturday, November 6, 2010

Best Smartphone Plan for People Who Don't Talk a Lot

The good thing about the wireless service offerings in the U.S. is there are many options available.

The bad thing about the wireless service offerings in the U.S. is there are many options available.

We will use several blogs to analyze and recommend the best wireless value for the right kind of users.

This issue, we will deal with someone who wants to have a smartphone, doesn't talk a lot (300 - 450 minutes a month), but needs unlimited data for email checking, web surfing, game playing, etc. Our consideration will not be limited to Postpaid (i.e. you are locked into a contract), we will consider Prepaid (i.e. non-contract binding) as well because most Prepaid service providers also offer smartphones (not the fancy ones, just the basic ones, thoug).

The finding - if you are OK with an ordinary smartphone, you can get the best value from Virgin Mobile. If you care about fancy phones and don't mind being locked into a contract, Sprint Postpaid is the one with the best value. Details below -

Virgin Mobile (normal smartphone)
$25 a month for 300 mins, Unlimited data, Unlimited Text
24 Months + Samsung Intercept $250 = $850

Sprint Postpaid (normal smartphone)
$69.99 a month for 450 mins, Any Mobile Anytime, Unlimited text & web
24 Months + Samsung Intercept $100 = $1780

T-Mobile Postpaid (normal smartphone)
$79.99 a month for 500 mins, Unlimited text & web
24 Months + $100 Smartphone = $2020

Sprint Postpaid (fancy 4G phone)
$79.99 a month for 450 mins, Any Mobile Anytime, Unlimited text & web
24 Months + Evo(Lowest price 4G phone) $200 = $2120

AT&T Postpaid (normal smartphone)
$85 a month for 450 mins ($40), 2GB data ($25), Unlimited Text ($20)
24 Months + $100 Smartphone = $2140

Verizon (normal smartphone)
$90 a month for 450 mins, Unlimited text ($60), Unlimited data ($30)
24 Months + $100 Smartphone = $2260

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